Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Would You Know If You Had Lyme Disease?

By Alex Johnson

Lyme Disease is tricky to diagnose the symptoms of. Ticks that cause Lyme Disease are not always easy to see some are even as small as the period at the end of this sentence. The symptoms of lyme disease are usually misdiagnosed as something else. Sometimes Lyme disease symptoms actually are other diseases. You will read in this article some of the symptoms of Lyme Disease. Keep reading if you think you may have some of the symptoms of Lyme Disease.

Have you encountered difficulty in movement of and stiffness of your joints and muscles? Muscle and joint stiffness are major Lyme disease symptoms.

The stage of the disease is the most important information you will need because the symptoms weigh heavily on what stage you are dealing with. Each stage will manifest differently. The heart and nervous system become involved in the "early disseminated disease" stage also referred to as Stage Two. This name does a good job of describing the symptoms. This is the stage when various Palsies begin to present. Sometimes the heart gets inflamed and other internal complications develop.

Be sure your doctor not only checks yo physically but mentally as well, if you start to experience these problems. In conjunction with Lyme disease, these very real disorders can be incredibly debilitating.

Many find it difficult to diagnose Lyme disease. The range of ways the disease displays itself are many. Even the stages of the disease themselves are vastly different from each other. It is often mistaken for other disorders because a lot of the symptoms of the disease are conditions all on their own. For some the disease can go untreated for a long time since they never show any signs or symptoms until they reach the final stages. Your doctor is always a good resource if you start to experience anything abnormal in regards to your health. Have some tests done. In the long run it is always better to proceed with caution when it comes to your health.

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