Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Food Items Help You Overcome Doubts And Stress?

By Miriam Gray

Stress is sometimes a result when free radicals are released in the body. These free radicals cause damage to cells lowering the body's immunity to sickness. The best way to deal with free radicals is to fight them off with vitamin C antioxidant-rich foods like oranges. Vitamin C is well-known to boost the immune system.

Aside from being fishy, salmon is also a good stress-fighter because it contains omega-3 fatty acid believed to improve one's mood. In fact, the more omega-3 fatty acid you take, the better your mood will become. This is the reason why omega-3 fatty acids are considered as the best friend of the human brain. Totally cool don't you think?

Tomato is a good source of the antioxidants vitamin C and Lycopene. These antioxidants lower the stress hormone levels of the body. Contrary to the popular belief that tomatoes can cause appendicitis and cancer, the Lycopene in tomatoes actually have many health benefits including lowering the risk for lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Cayenne pepper is considered a royalty when you talk about medicinal herbs. Its benefit to the health is just astonishing and is too many to mention. Cayenne pepper has been found to cure ulcers, increase blood flow and stop heart attacks! Stress has no match for this small but wonderful herb because it contains capsicum that actually reduces anxiety!

Eating yogurt that contains probiotics is a good way to fight off stress. Probiotics are actually harmless bacteria that protect your body from harmful bacteria during times that you are stressed. Banana and yogurt is a good combination too since banana contains a lot of nutrients that helps maintain the body's energy, reducing the effects of stress.

Olive oil is perhaps one of the most common stress-fighter that can be found in your kitchen. It is rich with vitamin E antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and stress. It is also found to prevent colon cancer and lower blood sugar levels. If you want to get the most out of olive oil, try using extra virgin olive oil since they are considered to be better than the regular olive oil.

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