Monday, September 20, 2010

Protecting Yourself And Your Family From Illness With Essential Oils

By Jeanette Kelley

One of the great features of using essential oils as medicine is that you don't have to wait to get sick to get the benefits. In fact, you can easily keep yourself from catching a cold or flu by proactive essential oil use. And this isn't just aroma-marketing, there's a good amount of supportive research. Here's some simple techniques to optimize immunity in the coming months with essential oils, and the data to back it up.

The easiest method of using oils for immune support is simple inhalation. Inhaling essential oils has two important aspects: The oils come in contact with the cells of the respiratory system, and they're circulated throughout your body. How is it you can catch a cold from someone (who is already ill) sneezing? It's by inhaling the microbes that they've spread into the air. When essential oils are absorbed through the cells in your sinuses, bronchial tubes and lungs, they directly support immunity in these cells, while having systemic actions as well.

Research using melissa and other oils for the treatment of herpes infections has shown that pre-treating cells with essential oils significantly limits viral replication in that cell. Essentially, that cell does not become infected, or spread infection, as it otherwise would. And there's nothing special about the herpes virus, it's simply easy to study. Other combinations of oils, directly targeting viruses which cause influenza for example, can have the same effect. This is our first line of defense.

When the oils get into our bloodstream through inhalation, research has shown this has a direct effect on our immune function. The cells in our body which consume and eliminate foreign invaders, called phagocytes, step up their action. This research was done with eucalyptus, and the result is thought to happen with with any oil containing the natural chemical "1,8-cineole" (also found in rosemary). Further, these oils reduce the inflammation caused by viral invaders (as an aside, they can be helpful for conditions of bronchitis, asthma, and rhinosinusitis).

Essential oils vaporized into your surrounding environment has proven antimicrobial effects as well. Research indicates vaporized oils can dramatically reduce airborne microbial counts, and even destroy microbes on surfaces. This inactivation goes on inside the body as well. So with diffusing essential oils, you eliminate these little buggers in the air, on surfaces and in your body all at the same time. Oh, and it'll smell nice, too!

The means of inhaling essential oils for immune support can range from the extremely simple to the relatively complex. On the simple end, one can insert a cotton ball into a small glass vial, saturate that cotton ball with eucalyptus essential oil, and inhale from this for a couple minutes several times per day. Increase the efficacy by using a stronger antiviral essential oils such as bay laurel, or a blend of oils such as equal parts eucalyptus radiata, bay laurel, and tea tree.

Stepping up to more complete protection, using a method that will more easily protect your whole family, look into a nebulizing diffuser. Look for one that makes a mist of just the oil, without mixing it with water (as "ultrasonic" diffusers do). You can purchase a programmable appliance timer to work with the diffuser, and set it so that it runs for five to seven minutes every hour. This is generally the most conservative and effective way to use your oils -- though you can simply set it on the very lowest output and let it run continually.

Topical application can get the oils in your bloodstream as well. You can use the same blend of oils and dilute them in almond oil. These oils are not very hot, and some people don't dilute them at all -- this is up to you. Rub a few drops into the lymph nodes on either side of your throat, into your sternum, and even the balls of your feet (an area connected to your respiratory system) one or more times per day. A little dab now and then under your nose can be helpful too.

So if you're wanting to not catch anyone's cold this winter, and perhaps even prevent your entire family -- school kids and all -- from doing the same, get yourself set up with antiviral essential oils and a diffuser. Won't it be a much nicer Fall and Winter with everyone staying happy and healthy!

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