Monday, September 20, 2010

Ideas On How To Eat Healthy And Properly

By Gordon Carson

Most diets makes you limit your food choices, thus, making you weak instead of making you strong and energetic. Healthy eating on the other hand is focused on building and developing your entire well-being by helping you make the right choices of food and drink.

Healthy eating is primarily about simplifying things in a way that you eat smaller portions of meal each day but you still receive the required calorie or nutrient intake or for a day. Though healthy eating is not totally about limiting the food you partake, it's not about eating just about how much you want to eat either. Healthy eating is all about moderation.

Healthy eating gives you the opportunity to choose from a wide range of food groups. As much as possible, fill up your diet with fruits and vegetables each time you eat. They should also be your first choice and try to eat as much as five portions every day. These colorful foods can surely make your day go bright.

The body is composed of seventy five percent of water. It cleanses our stomach and other organs of toxins and waste. So drink an average of 8 to 9 glasses of water every day and keep yourself hydrated at all times. Drinking water is not only beneficial in getting rid of body waste, it can also help you in your attempt of losing weight.

Cut down your intake of sugar and salt. High sugar intake causes additional problem to diabetes and other serious medical condition. Salt contains sodium that when taken too much can cause medical problems as well. Limit your intake of processed food too. Most processed food contain more sugar and sodium than your body needs.

Your healthy diet will be more effective if you add exercise to it. Simple routines like jogging or brisk walking everyday will help you maintain that healthy feeling. As you know regular exercise is the quickest way to get rid of stress.

Lastly, don't be too legalistic when it comes to eating. Don't limit yourself to certain food because as we have learned, healthy eating is not the same as strict diet. It's all about eating the healthy food and eating them in the right amount and the right way. Enjoy your meal!

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