Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Is DCIS Breast Cancer And How One Can Determine It

By Chris Hilton

DCIS, or otherwise often known as ductal carcinoma in situ, is a relatively new diagnosis although breast cancer have been around for a long period of time. DCIS is cells growing inappropriately within the ducts of the breast. These cells don't spread to other areas of the body and they only stay at the ducts of the breasts.

More cases of DCIS breast cancer had surfaced now as compared to the past. It is also the cause of 20% of the cases of breast cancer. DCIS is at the same time called stage breast cancer, whereby the cells are not obtrusive yet.

Although DCIS do not spread to other areas of the body like other cancer cells, they can still not be taken lightly as they can transform genetically and turn into true cancerous cells. Therefore it is better to receive treatment for DCIS even if they are not dangerous at the moment mainly because you'll never know when they may mutate and be a threat to your life.

You'll find different kinds of DCIS as well which determines how aggressive the cells are. Comedo is more aggressive than cribiform as it's high-grade compared to cribiform which is low-grade. High-grade shows that the DCIS cells tend to be more likely to become true cancerous cells.

Different doctors might get different outcomes for the diagnostic report for DCIS that is why you will need to seek another doctor and be prepared mentally as well as paying for a second time to be diagnosed again. This assists in determine if you should receive treatment for DCIS.

Since DCIS is relatively new, there are not confirmed causes of DCIS although it's highly believed to be the same as cancer. Cancer is actually made out of cells, our regular body cells, however the only difference between cancer cells and regular cells is that cancer cells had lost their ability to stop producing and they had gone haywire. The cancer cells keep producing cells and as a result a tumor is created and the tumor can be deadly.

These tumors might either be benign or malignant. If they are malignant, they may start spreading all over your body as time passes. DCIS so happened to fall somewhere in between these as DCIS don't spread to other areas of the body. Nevertheless, if they are left unattended and transform into cancerous cell, they'll deal the same impact as what cancer will deal to you.

Please don't be overwhelmed should you discover that you have DCIS. You should be thankful that you found out about it at a very, very early stage where it is still harmless for your body. And DCIS don't necessary evolves into cancerous cells although it is still better to have them removed. To add on, women with DCIS had a survival rate of nearly 100%. Do not lose hope then.

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