Saturday, September 25, 2010

Seven Essential Elements On Recovery

By Kevin Giles

Will is the chief instrument with which mind fights to win back the body when it is attacked by any disease or addiction. Without will, one cannot fight to over come the life-threatening situation. Willingness is what promotes recovery.

What is this willingness in recovery referring to? It refers to the desire in an individual to work towards his recover and well being. He voluntarily wants to work towards getting better and overcoming his conditions or illness. There is no external force, but an internal prompting. We have covered here seven factors that promote willingness in recovery.

Seven elements or factors that determine willingness in recovery are:

1. Honesty: Honesty in this context means, being truthful to oneself and facing ones reality squarely in the face. Admitting to self that you do not have the strength or will to overcome your addiction. This is the basic first step towards recovery.

2. Initiate action: Accept the helping hand of the guide or sponsor and adapt the twelve steps action plan. Start attending support group meetings regularly and make up your mind to start working towards improving self.

3. Trust yourself: Have trust in yourself that you will fight all odds and overcome all battles in life and begin a new chapter. Trust in your support group, trust in your guide and more importantly believe that you will progress and be happy, well and free.

4. You should blindly follow the regimen planned out for you and ensure you action all points outlined in the program with one hundred percent dedication and faith. Only when you blindly follow and do things without cutting corners will you find yourself making progress.

5. Believing in divine love and help besides believing in yourself helps you find the strength to fight and create a new tomorrow.

6. You should be able to participate in the group meetings and take part actively in supporting others as well as seeking necessary support from others when you need it yourself. This helps you go a long way in speedy recovery.

7. Extend a helping hand to others who are suffering and sailing in the same boat as you. It helps to give others a helping hand and reach out, for you will understand their situation better because you have going through similar situation yourself.

We have just about covered the tip of the iceberg in identifying seven factors that help determine your willingness to recover. You would have to muster all your strength and determination to do just about everything under the sun to recover and get over with it completely.

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