Friday, September 24, 2010

Different Faces Of OCD Obsessions

By Mark Gaza

Those who have OCD experience recurrent, unwanted thoughts and worries called obsessions. These obsessions are the main reason why sufferers resort to compulsions and rituals to facilitate the elimination of anxiety. OCD is an anxiety disorder accompanied by serious complexities. For us to better understand this disease, let us be acquainted with the different types of OCD, digging out all known associated OCD obsessions and compulsions.

Checkers: OCD individuals who have obsessions associated with harm.
Obsessive compulsive disorder patients, seen frequently checking and rechecking things like doors, locks and devices are named "checkers". They feel anxious if they fail to do such routine. They feel uncomfortable when they are not sure enough that all doors inside their house are completely closed and locked. They do check ups over television, radio, heating and air conditioning equipment many times possible. These symptoms are due to irrational fears of being hurt, they are dearly afraid something bad will happen to them and to their loved ones if everything is not settled, of course their way.

Washers and Cleaners: OCD individuals who have obsessions associated with contamination.
People who belong to this subtype does hand washing and bathing several times a day, multiple times than usual. They tend to be over hygienic; they wash their hands more than 10 times a day and they take a bath more than three times, and even clean surfaces tirelessly. These behaviors led them to be named "washers" and "cleaners". These people are obsessed with keeping themselves and the place around them the cleanest possible.

Orderers: OCD individuals who have obsessions associated with symmetry and order.
Those who belong to this subtype have compulsions to fix things in the right place, in the right space, at a particular angle, but not necessarily at the right time. They are often called perfectionists as they always want all things to be settled their way before beginning daily activities. The "orderers" become stressed and anxious if their things are moved or rearranged.

Obsessionals: OCD individuals who have obsessions associated with causing harm to others.
The people of this subtype are experiencing pushy thoughts and issues related to hurting others. Sometimes these thoughts are accompanied by disturbing images that cause excessive stress. Common themes of experienced obsessions under this type include violence, sex, and religion. Although obvious compulsions are not usually manifested, sufferers are still bound to do mental rituals like constant counting, praying, and uttering words.

Hoarders: OCD individuals who have obsessions associated with necessary keeping of things.
Hoarders tend to be less responsive to treatment modalities especially when psychological therapy is being imposed. Their presenting symptoms include needlessly collecting things that have less value, most often those that are insignificant in a normal person's day to day living.

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